Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Book Review: FIXATION by Inara LaVey

Maya, who spends her weekends volunteering at a northern California large cat refuge, has had a rough couple of days—but nothing can prepare her for the mind-bending journey she must take to save the world from a power-hungry shape-shifting priestess.  When she first meets the refuge’s newest jaguar, Maya notices he’s different, but she would never have in her wildest imaginings guessed just how different he is. . . .

Fixation is definitely the best Inara LaVey work I’ve read to date.  The story is heartfelt, sincere, and very, very sexy.  I’m not usually a fan of shifter stories, but LaVey had me sold from the first page; I read the entire book in just two sittings.  Sensual, well-developed, and artfully crafted, Fixation is a must-read for erotic sci-fi/fantasy fans.  I very enthusiastically recommend!

Fixation is available through Ravenous Romance, and is also listed at

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