Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Weekend Scavenger Hunt!

Join Whipped Cream and Long and Short Reviews this weekend for a web-hopping scavenger hunt.

The rules are easy: Stop by Long and Short Reviews promo page, check out the links, and find the hidden icons. There are six huge prize packs up gor grabs.

Go to for more information--or to get started! Good luck!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Review: PUSSY TALES, by Natasha Brooks

Mother of two, Jasmine, falls into an early midlife crisis of sorts when her husband leaves her, her bank account freezes, and she loses her job all at once. She meets smooth-talking and sexy Lorenzo, who convinces her to become an escort for his service.

I had a hard time following Jasmine’s motivations, although I did empathize with her rough situation. The narration is very colloquial, which works for the first-person point of view, but unfortunately the book’s numerous editing errors cannot be overlooked. This story has a lot of heart, though, and I would like to share a passage I particularly liked:

“I did a lot of soul search and thought about my decision to become an escort. It was not something that I had to do. It was something that I wanted to do. It was liberating. It made me feel powerful and in control, especially at a time in my life where I had lost a lot. I don’t blame Lorenzo, although I now question his motives. Sometimes, sex and passion and control can give a false sense of love. I thought about it all for a long time locked up in my room. But, I had no
regrets about my decision at all.”

Natasha Brooks is the Editor-in-Chief of Bare Back Magazine, an erotic ezine, and has edited several erotic anthologies for Emerging Edge Publishing.

Buy Pussy Tales on Amazon.
Find out more about Natasha Brooks at Emerging Edge Publishing